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Become a Member of The Crider Foundation

Sign up to become a monthly supporter of The Crider Foundation to unlock exclusive rewards! Your support means the world to us, and we have three special tiers designed to maximize the impact on those we serve: Ruby, Sapphire, and Diamond.


Your monthly support empowers us to continue our mission, ensuring that more families receive the help they so desperately need. Sign up now using your email address, and unlock access to our exclusive monthly newsletter, connect with fellow supporters, and become a cherished part of our charity's story.

  • Ruby

    Every month
    • Donate $10 Monthly
    • Access to Exclusive Newsletter
  • Sapphire

    Every month
    • Donate $25 monthly
    • Access to Exclusive Newsletter
    • Personalized "Thank You" Note
  • Diamond

    Every month
    • Donate $50 Monthly
    • Access to Exclusive Newsletter
    • Personalized "Thank You" Note
    • Special Gifts Every Month
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